Workouts for women who are ready to age fiercely!

Get the 15-minute workouts that pack a punch!

Um, YES, I'm ready to age fiercely!

Go from feeling old and frumpy to fiery and fierce! 💪

If you’ve said this before, you’re not alone!

I wish I had more energy.

I’m tired of feeling sluggish, unhealthy, and out of shape. I know I’m not making myself a priority and that makes me feel even worse.

The older I get, the more stubborn the weight.

Is this how life over 40 will be? Am I too old to lose weight?

 I have zero time to work out!

It’s so hard to fit in a 30 or 45-minute workout EVERY DAY—and I’m skeptical of short workouts, are they “enough”?

→  I don’t enjoy getting dressed anymore.

I want to feel fiery and fierce in my clothes. Instead, I feel frumpy and old. Not fun! 

→  I dread working out.

It’s become something I do out of guilt rather than something I want to do. I wish it was easy and invigorating and something I could look forward to!

What will life look like six months from now if you don’t change a thing?

You’ll likely:

Feel hopeless, wishing you had started months ago as you’ve put on even more weight. (You’re ready to launch that scale right through the bathroom door!)

Work out here and there but what you’re really doing is walking the dog and continuing to call it your cardio! 🐶 (And you hate that you do that! You really DO want to  work out, you just don’t know where to begin.)

Go to bed feeling exhausted and run down—and wake up feeling overwhelmed and STILL EXHAUSTED! 😴

Always feel like you’re battling the muffin top while your clothes continue to bunch, pinch, and pull in all the wrong places!

Continue to hide your arms in every photo you take or always have a sweater handy to cover up your “problem areas”. (Scratch that… you’re done being in photos AT ALL!)

Still feel restless, sluggish, stressed out, and unhappy that you’re not making time for yourself. 😩

Contemplate moving to another city where no one knows your name or the number of times you’ve said “Come Monday I’m gonna start working out again!”

Working out doesn’t have to be a daily battle, and being over 40 doesn’t mean it’s all downhill from here!

You deserve to have energy to get through the day, to have a closet full of dresses that fit you perfectly, and to rediscover that youthful pep in your step that allows you to bring more sparkle and joy to the things you love doing! 

It’s so easy to commit to these short workouts, and they really work! The workouts are intense, but they’re so quick, and I feel great when I’m done. I feel like a new person who actually enjoys working out! ~ Amy S.


The world’s most easy to fit into your schedule, zap you full of energy, and make you feel damn good about yourself workouts for those who are ready to defy their age!

When you workout with me, you’re going to discover:

That 15-minutes can really pack a punch you’re going to love the energy that comes from taking your heart rate to levels your gym-going friends will be jealous of! 🤨

How quickly you’ll see results from perkier butts, and slimmer waistlines, to fabulous summer arms that beg for strappy and sleeveless tops, these workouts deliver results. 

That you no longer have to battle with your schedule to fit in an energizing sweat sesh! ⏰ (Short workout + convenience = WINNING!)

How a little accountability can go a long way High-fives 🖐all the way! You may be working out at home—but we’re always connected, celebrating your wins and having fun with personalized text accountability!

How fun it can be to open up your closet and not be afraid to try on anything! 💃

How awesome it’ll feel to stand front and center in ALL THE PHOTOS now! 📸

I’m 63 and I’ve been doing these workouts for over a year! I started adding in weights and I’ve never felt stronger. I no longer hide my arms – in fact, I love showing them off. These workouts have changed my body! ~ Johanna P.

Thank you for getting me fitter, stronger, and healthier this past year! I mentally and physically feel good about myself. These are hands down my go-to workouts that I can do every day! ~ Rhiannon P.

The number one thing I hear from my members is that they can do these workouts every. single. day. And they do!

Before they joined the membership, it was easy to think that short workouts, while enticing, almost felt like they were cheating and not worth the effort. How can 15-minutes really do all that much for my waistline, butt, or arms? 

But once they began, they realized these short workouts were little jam-packed energy bites of strength-building that made them feel energized, strong, and finally in control of their well-being!

Working out became something they wanted to show up for—they felt entirely different about working out!

That’s why these monthly challenges exist!

To make it easy to work out and see results. To feel enjoyment and not dread toward your workouts. To no longer have to battle with your schedule to find the time.

Most importantly, to help you age as fiercely as possible! 

Are you ready to spend your days feeling like a fiery, fierce, and flirty fireball who has her sh*t together because she knows SHE MATTERS?

If you can find 15-minutes in your day, you can change the way you age!

I am back to the weight I was before I had my daughter 8 1/2 years ago, and my body feels better than ever ~ Ashlie C.

Here’s how it works!

When you sign up you’ll:

→ Gain access to all the workouts

You’ll have instant access to more than 270+ workouts—all 15-minutes or less! 

Each month, you’ll receive 21 new workouts that focus on achieving a new goal—like a perkier butt, a slimmer waistline, being able to hold a 3-min plank, or performing one perfect push-up! The goal is to build strength and stamina as you move through all 21 workouts—which you have the entire month to complete. 

→ Pick your challenge—or mix and match!

You can choose to do a full 21-workout challenge from start to finish, or you can mix and match your workouts depending on your goals.

They’re also a great add-on to your current workout program as a way to keep things interesting and fresh. 

→ Set up rock-solid accountability!

If you’re the type of gal who works better with a cheerleader by her side, high-fiving and celebrating wins with you, I’m here for you! Email me your digits and I’ll be checking in with you, helping you hurdle any landmines life throws your way so you can stay consistent and see results! 

Once you sign up, you’re ready to get started!


Sign up today for a FREE 7-Day Trial and see how 15-minutes can change the way you age!

What you get:

21 pre-recorded workouts each month  (15 strength training, and six gentle stretching). Each month we take on a new themed challenge to keep things interesting!

Freedom to choose when and where you do your workouts. Each workout is ready for you, all you have to do is press play! No timetable or schedule to keep up with—you do the workouts when they work for you.

Text accountability with your trainer (me!) because having someone by your side is straight-up motivation that helps you get the workout done!

A monthly accountability leaderboard that allows you to check off each workout you complete! (It’s so satisfying to see all the workouts you completed in a month ☑️)

Weekly emails to entertain, giggle, ponder over, and motivate! 

All the good feels that come with making yourself a priority!

Sign up today and feel the power of a 15-minute workout!

My butt thanks you! I doubled the number of squats I could do in a month! ~ Nicole M. (who crushed the Perky Butt Challenge by the way!)

If you wish you had more energy, pep, and pizzazz, these workouts are for you!


Receive a 7-day free trial, and then pay only $29/month (cancel anytime.)