Two things I’m working on while trying to figure out where the hell Prime came from.
Making water less boring
First off, what’s up with Prime? Is this an Amazon attempt to literally take over the world? When did this hit the market and why are my children OBSESSED with what, to me, tastes like watered-down, chemically-tinged, cough syrup?
Just the other day my little guy comes in from baseball practice and I swear he grew an inch taller walking through the doorway as he casually shoved in our faces a strawberry/watermelon Prime bottle — mostly to show off to his big brother, who immediately pounced on it. (Apparently, that’s THE coveted flavor and not easy to find. In fact, if you go to their website, it shows every flavor is sold out. Prime came to play.)
Anyway, watching my kids interact with Prime is like watching the nature channel — witnessing the adrenaline rush of two little humans going bananas over a brightly colored bottle of Frankenstein water. One is walking around puffed out like a peacock while the other’s a menacing hyena desperate for a taste.
Anyway, hydration is my new obsession (I’ll pass on Prime), but the real problem I’m discovering is that it’s hard to quench a thirst that doesn’t follow a schedule — so I’m stuck lugging around an obnoxiously large water bottle like an asshole all day long so I can a) take a swig when the urge strikes and b) to remind myself to take a swig when there is no urge—because there is hardly ever an urge. And there is hardly ever an urge because water is utterly tasteless and my mouth needs constant entertainment as it bores easily.
So, I found these hydration packets on Amazon (ironic?) that tout 3x the hydration of boring water — and you need 3x if you suffer from fatigue, brain fog, muscle cramps, dry skin, dry mouth, dizziness, and headaches — which basically means if you’re over 40, we got you.
All you have to do is mix in with water and I got to tell you — I’m not getting the chemically-tinged after-taste on the palette, and there are considerably fewer sugars and unknown sugar subs mixed in. It pumps up the flavor profile and it’s a good break from the monotony that is water. This brand is called DripDrop and it’s got a photo of the doctor who created candidly posing with his kids on the back of the package— so yea, that pulls at my Hallmark heartstrings.
Staying in the Arena
Maintenance is the end game, it’s how your life is going to be from here on out after you’ve reached your goal — all business with no party in the back. And it’s exactly why diets, fads, and extreme weight loss never stick around long — they know when the party’s over.
When you’ve achieved a weight loss goal, or 180’d your eating habits and subsequently learned a thing or two about yourself (as in HOLY SHIT I REALLY DON’T NEED 20 SNACK PACKS IN MY BAG TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE DAY!), maintaining that level of achievement is quickly going to bore you. That’s why “maintenance” is so hard and should be avoided.
I say don’t stop once you achieve a goal. You need to ride that pony right into the next big thing because you’re not done, you’re not even a mouse on a wheel. None of this is ingrained yet, you just reached the mental end game — the thing that got you HERE. And we know, you didn’t come this far, just to come this far.
Now you need the next best thing because maintenance isn’t THE thing — going for more is THE thing that’s going to bring you even more.
Let’s redefine maintenance as the thing that keeps you improving, getting better, and trying the next big thing. Don’t stop at the end. Don’t try to fade off into the sunset like John Wayne (gen z be like 🤔).
During the month of March, I did what I lovingly called the “hard reset” and after a week of celebrating my glorious achievements of 31 days following my rules (which you can find here), I decided that I’m going for more, for bigger. This month I’m back at it, but I’m also adding in a few additional things that occur in other areas of my life. See, when you realize you can do the hard things, and they weren’t nearly as difficult as you imagined they’d be, maintaining that same level eventually becomes boring. And boredom turns into margaritas on Tuesday because why not, I’m bored. And then it’s like wearing 4 inches while trying to walk down a muddy path in the rain — bitch you’re gonna fall! (Yes, that was me in my 4-inch phase.)
Maintenance is tricky which is why I say keep going for more—stay in that arena. Don’t join the masses in the stands because they throw stones—don’t be a stone-thrower. 3x what you were able to achieve, because the truth is, you can. We all can. We just need to never reach the “maintenance” phase.
How do you feel about maintenance? A good thing? Something that you’ll easily tire of? The thing that slowly allows you to revert back to your old ways? Tell me your take in the comments!
Join me each week as I keep the musings popping. You’re also gonna want to get in on my Sunday Funday Letter — it’s a mimosa-clinking good time where we chat about life, goals, and how to FINALLY stop snacking in front of the fridge while trying to figure out what to make for dinner! (Just me??)