For 15+ years, I’ve been supporting women on their journey to healthier living.

Here's what they have to say about that...

" What made the biggest difference for me was the text accountability. Having AM check in on me regularly kept me focused and motivated—there was no way I could miss a day without feeling a little guilty (in the best way!), so I didn’t miss any! I also loved the stretching workouts she suggested. I usually never take time to stretch, but with her guidance, I did, and it felt amazing".

Maria C

Working with AM has been a game-changer for me! She knew exactly what I needed to feel stronger. I’d always been a walker and runner but never used weights before, and she guided me through it with such ease. Now, I can visibly see the difference and even feel it in everyday things like carrying groceries! Her approach made sure I never felt left behind, just always supported and encouraged!

Ann B

I’d been stuck in a fitness rut for so long, I didn’t know where to start—but working with AM turned out to be the perfect fit! Her workouts and guidance have me power walking in the mornings and improving my technique, breathing, and strength in ways I never expected. I’m even getting in more reps and mastering planks (no more face-plants!). She’s helped me find my rhythm again, and who knows? She might just turn me into a fitness guru yet!

Robin A

I'm 62 and always stuck to walking, hiking, and biking for exercise—classes were never my thing, but I still wanted to feel more toned and stronger. A high school classmate recommended Anne Marie, and I'm so glad she did! The workouts are quick and easy to do at home, which is perfect for my routine. After just a few months of working with her, I’m amazed at how my body has changed. I’m more toned, stronger, and feeling better than ever!

Johanna P

AM helped me realize that just like one little cookie here and there adds up, so do the small, consistent workouts. That simple shift in mindset made all the difference in helping me see real results. Her down-to-earth and relatable style makes working out fun, too—who knew fitness could be this enjoyable?

Chris G

I’m definitely feeling stronger, and I’ve noticed a big difference in my arms! The workouts were just the right kind of challenging, and I especially loved the benchmark workouts. Seeing my numbers improve every time was incredibly encouraging—it kept me motivated and excited to push myself further. Anne Marie’s approach really helped me stay on track and see progress I could be proud of.

Julia H

I love that these daily workouts are kept within 15 minutes—it leaves me with no excuses because they’re so easy to fit into my day! Your daily reminders were key in keeping me accountable, and added just the right amount of pressure to keep me showing up. Every week I saw real improvements. I feel more toned, healthier, and I’m proud I made it to the end without crumbling! Thanks so much, Anne Marie!

Andrea J

Ready to Transform Your Life?

This 4-Week Accountability Coaching Program provides the structure, support, and momentum you need for lasting change.